November is Diabetes Awareness Month. It is a time to remind us all of the impact of diabetes on millions of Americans. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), nearly half of American adults have diabetes or prediabetes.
Diabetes is a chronic progressive disease associated with an increased risk of other health complications and can shorten life. The good news is that diabetes and the associated risks are manageable. We manage diabetes with physical activity, nutrition, and medications.
It is an exciting time at APD regarding diabetes management. We now have an embedded Diabetes Clinic within primary care. We have provided more than 200 patient visits since January and have achieved improvement in diabetes management in the majority of patients seen.
Another reason for celebration here at APD is our recent recognition from the ADA. In October 2023, Alice Peck Day’s embedded Diabetes Clinic joined New London Hospital’s ADA-recognized program as a multi-site offering top notch diabetes care with a focus on diabetes self-management education and training. The ADA’s Education Recognition Certificate assures educational services meet the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES).
Here at APD, we celebrate this month with great hope that we can work together with patients and create positive change.
Joanne Hayes, a nurse practitioner and a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES), is the director of the Diabetes Clinic at Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital. Learn more at https://www.alicepeckday.org/